Thursday 9 February 2012

Let's Go 50/50

This piece has been in the works (my mind) for a few months now. I'll be honest enough to say that it has been one of the toughest pieces I've written to date. Gender equality isn't as cut and dried a topic as I thought - I hope I did it justice and I hope it gets people thinking just a wee bit. Enjoy!

For many, many years a lot of very brave women fought for equal gender rights. They wanted to be able to vote, like men, they wanted to be able to be the breadwinners for their families, like men, and they wanted to be treated like first class citizens, like men. Now let me be completely honest here and state that I believe in women's rights through and through. I was raised by a number (and I'm not exaggerating when I say a number) of very strong, independent women who showed me that anything a man can do, a woman could do just as well.

The women who played a part in raising me did such a great job of showing me that women are just as capable as men that when I see a woman in an office or holding a position of power, it doesn't even occur to me to think about the fact that a woman is doing the job. Never in my life can I recall losing out on something and think "but she's a girl/woman, how the hell did that happen?"

For my upbringing and the strong women that I've come across in my life I am eternally grateful because I hold no ignorant prejudice against anyone just because they're not like me. It has, however, taught me to believe that (natural psychical strength aside) men and women should be seen as equals in ALL spheres of life - and I mean ALL spheres of life.

In my view gender equality is an all or nothing concept. It means removing the words "it's because I'm a woman" from your vocabulary all together. So, if your boss says something harsh to you about your work performance, take that as a challenge. Improve the standard of your work and prove him wrong. If someone at the office or even in public makes a pass at you and it makes you feel uncomfortable, man up (for lack of a better phrase) and deal with the situation. People treat you only as you allow them to treat you. You, the individual, facilitate your treatment in life.

Needless to say, I actually take offense when Taurets-like feminists cry sexism at seemingly random times. I'll take the example of an ad campaign by the Mavericks, erm...gentlemans club last year, who launched a "racy" billboard campaign for a new fragrance called "Alibis" (google the pics). There was such a huge uproar about how Mavericks being a stri...I mean, gentlemans club and them launching these billboards was so degrading to women that the billboards had to be taken down. Seriously??! Now, I didn't do much (any) real research before writing this but I'd be surprised to find any public outcries over any racy Chanel, DKNY, Gucci or Dior ad campaigns post 1993.

I say if youre going to take offense to something, be consistent about what it is exactly that offends you. Don't bemoan the fact that men aren't chivalrous anymore and then refuse to take a seat on a bus when a guy offers to stand up for you - I've seen this many a time by the way. I find myself much inclined to agree with the statement that chivalry is dead and women killed it. I wish ALL women would take gender equality as seriously as they expect us men to take it. Then, maybe just maybe, ALL men would start taking gender equality as seriously as they should.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you boss. Personally it irritates me when ladies adopt the so called "feminist", independent I-don't-need-a-man attitudes but when the bill arrives they expect the man to pay. If he refuses then he's a cheapskate. WTF?! *pulls hair out* My conclusion is simple: Women don't know what they want.
