Monday 31 October 2011

The Saddest Thing

In spite of what the title might suggest, I thought I'd write something positive for this Monday afternoon/evening. FYI, I'm a feign for Monday's, love em:)) Enjoy:

The saddest thing, the saddest thing of all
Is that if we all loved, over night, the world would be a better place
For love in all its forms would have me rejoice at seeing your face
I’d see beyond hair colour, sex, height, girth and race
I’d see you
In all your splendour.

And you, well you’d see me
For all the magic I posses, all the greatness I could be
Past the outside appearance, you’d see my ability
To turn the world around
Do things no-one ever imagined
You’d see me
Truly, for all I am.

We could do great things you know
Help the old and weak, take the minds of the young and sow
Seeds that’ll grow into thoughts
Thoughts that will breed feelings
Feelings that will inspire action
Longing to be more, to do more
To be better, to do better.

We can you know
You and I, make the world better.

It starts with love
Love for yourself, because with self love comes self respect
And with self respect come standards and a sense of worth powerful enough to move mountains.

Once you learn to love you
You can love others
Treat all as a sister would a brother
And vice versus.

It’s not such a funny thought really
Think about it
The world, over night
Would be a better place
If we all just loved.


  1. "Once you learn to love you
    You can love others
    Treat all as a sister would a brother
    And vice versus"

    I love how that rhymes, and it lingers in mind- dude.. too sublime.
    Never knew dabbled in such,
    Ever wanna grab a mic, much?

  2. lol, thanks. i try to write it in slam poetry type style; and yes i'd love to rock a mic, i just need to get my swag right;)
