Monday 21 November 2011


So, I’m in a frustrated space right now. Life is throwing all of my well engineered plans clean out the window. As far as timing is concerned, I am using a precision engineered time piece while the world is on a sundial…powered by a dim fire lit in a cave. This piece is about…hmmm, I’ll let you decide what it’s about. Enjoy:

Change is a scary thing. Even with the most perfectly laid out plans; it can still be a bit unnerving. So what then of plans that fall by the way side? Those fairytales that are dashed by a what-if? A really promising job interview resulting in an email starting off with “we regret to inform you that…”, your marks falling short of the required aggregate for you to move on to the next stage, a lease agreement falling through, your business finance not being granted.

What happens then? What do you do when a spanner gets thrown into the cogs when your plans are so far in motion that it’s just too late to turn back? Do you walk away? Do you keep the faith and try to push through regardless of the shock of the stone cold facts? Maybe you just put it off for another week, or another month. I mean, it’s been two years, will another year really hurt?

I read a quote, given to me by a friend back in varsity which read “without death, there would be no deadline for success”. Time doesn’t stop for your setbacks, the clock is in motion and the grains of your life’s sand are running down. No-one knows what will happen tomorrow, if you’ll be there to see another sunrise, kiss the love of your life good morning, lift your kids out of bed, or be able to go out and face the world to make your dreams come true. Sure, feel the knock, let it shake you, maybe even stay down for a minute; but understand this: time waits for no man.

It might not have to be today, or tomorrow, or even next week but sooner or later you’ll need to make a move if your dreams are ever going to become a reality. The world won’t wait on you, ever. You need to stop waiting on it. Realize that every year, every month, every week, every day, every waking second you put your dreams off is time and potential advantage that you will never get back.

I may not know the answers to all the questions in my head right now. I do not even have all the answers to the questions I’ve posed here, but I do know this, God gave me hands, legs and an able body. He also gave me a mind, not always the sharpest or the brightest mind, but it’s a working mind. Tools that I will use. That said, I promise myself that regardless of what the world decides it has in store for me, success will be the only outcome.

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