Thursday 12 January 2012

Untitled [A Social Commentary]

I feel like I'm becoming a social commentator here. While watching a story on the news last night about how kids in Kwa-Zulu Natal have to swim across a river to get to school everyday because the community is waiting on government to "fix the situation", it hit me. The reason people in general stay losing, especially black South Africans: we lack constructive laziness. To sum up constructive laziness in a sentence, these people should have made a plan to build a bridge. People in the jungle do it using vines, you DON'T need an engineering degree! So I wrote this piece to get us as a people thinking about our approach to life. Will you live life with a disability while waiting on someone to fix it, or will you see beyond what's in front of you to fix it yourself? In other words, will you choose to swim with the current, or build a damn bridge?? Enjoy:

I show to my minds eye what these can't see
The things in plain sight but hidden to you an me
More than just imagination, inspiration
Dreams and hopes to change nations.

Vision beyond what's in front of me
Empathy to more than those who are friends to me
Even to my enemies
A burning desire deep down in the heart of the fire
To say to struggle "no more,
This isn't what we were put here for!
To watch our fellow man struggle
While we claim to push the hustle."
For what. For who.

What does it mean to you
That you have food rotting in your dustbin
While others rummage through the garbage at the holiday inn
Looking for something, anything
To fill the void in their stomachs.

Switch your focus up, change the drive for your hustle
Keep your eyes wide open and your ears wider still
Be the one to make a difference, help heal our society's ills.

1 comment:

  1. This is purely in response to your opening line. Haven't read the poem/prose/song lyrics thing.
